Thursday, December 6, 2007

Andreas & Irina

I had lots of fun shooting your wedding! I also learned a new word - Geil! I hope the photo's are Geil! - Jean-Pierre Uys


Anonymous said...

The photos are Geil ! Thank you very much !!!!!! Irina and Andreas

Wedding Concepts said...

As the coordinator of this beautiful, intimate wedding I can only say that JP has once again captured the fine nuances and emotions of a very special celebration. The artistic touch and incredible eye for the moment make your work uniquely stunning JP!
Look forward to working with you again soon!
Christina Holt

Eric Uys said...

Hey Boeta! Cool fotos! Sit nog op!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are not only 'geil', they are 'end-geil'!!!
Congratulations, N+S

Anonymous said...

Well done JP. Looks like you picked up some concepts at the Beckstead workshop. Jaco Fourie